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“Delphi” at Parc Escultòric 
"Parc d’Europa d’Almacelles" 
Catalonia / Spain

A mixture of industrial and classical architecture in the largest sculpture park in Catalonia

It was one of my greatest dreams to place my sculpture somewhere in Catalonia and this dream came true last year. After responding to an open call in the biggest sculpture park in Catalonia I got accepted and began the creation process.

This sculpture was the first work I have accomplished singlehandedly from start to finish. Half a ton of material and more than a month of constant work. The shape is a mixture of antique and industrial architecture and the name refers back to the ancient Greek sanctuary of Delphi – the home of perhaps the greatest and most famous oracle in the world. It also connects to the early periods of my life, when I would be looking for answers to various questions outside, eventually realising they were all inside of me.


As always, the final shape crystalises in my laptop. This time, I also created a smaller wooden version before making the actual bigger piece.


After materializing it, I did
a photoshoot to figure out the best angles and to learn how the sculpture works with natural light.

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I wanted the piece to be larger than a human, but not too big, as an important part of the design was a see-through window in the centre of the shape.

Then, I unfolded the sculpture design and prepared each surface for laser cutting in steel. When the pieces arrived, I finally started the construction.

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Though it looks like just a few pictures, building a sculpture, especially on one’s own is an unbelievable effort, requiring 10-12 hours of work 7 days a week, sometimes for 2, 3 or even 4 weeks straight. At the end of each project, I always end up questioning my choice of becoming an artist.
It really is done through blood, sweat and tears, but the end results are undoubtedly worth it.

Final dimensions:

Height: 3.6 m

Width: 1.84 m

Depth: 1.84 m

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